Bryston 28 sst's vs Spectron Musician 3 SE ?

I was wondering if anyone has compared both the newish Bryston kw monoblock amps; the 28 sst's; which received rave reviews vs the the class D Spectron Musician 3; rated at around 600 watts, for the pair of monoblocks; in the same ball park on price, $16k for the pair of Bryston; and around the same for the Spectron. I am looking to replace my MBL 8011's powering my MBL 111'es; looking for 'warmth' in the highs, and more punch in the base; with detail and openness...I feel my current amps are not quite powerful enough to fully open my low impedence speakers; at 4 ohms...
Or if people might suggest other high power ss amps to consider; I'm open to other recommendations..The new Musical Fidelity Tritans are a bit out of my range; as are the mbl 9008's...

Thanks in advance for suggestions and recommendations.

Showing 2 responses by psag

Top quality class D versus solid state, monoblocks, high power output, similar price, would be an awesome comparison! I use the Spectron monos with Marten Coltranes with great results. The Spectrons were a great improvement over Rowland 201s, but I wish I had been able to do at-home comparisons with the Spectrons and some other top non-class D designs.
That's understandable, but too bad that we won't have the comparison (for now). Spectron and Simon deserve a lot of credit for pursuing this comparison.

There's bound to be a tradeoff between flexibility and convenience, but in my experience the Spectrons can be used as either stereo amps or monoblocks with a minimimum of fuss. Internal bridging is available from the factory at no charge, which minimizes the chance for potential cable issues. As for build quality, the Spectrons may not have a three-inch thick anodized face-plate or aerodynamic cooling fins, but they don't need them. The build quality and value is all there under the hood.