Bryston 28 sst's vs Spectron Musician 3 SE ?

I was wondering if anyone has compared both the newish Bryston kw monoblock amps; the 28 sst's; which received rave reviews vs the the class D Spectron Musician 3; rated at around 600 watts, for the pair of monoblocks; in the same ball park on price, $16k for the pair of Bryston; and around the same for the Spectron. I am looking to replace my MBL 8011's powering my MBL 111'es; looking for 'warmth' in the highs, and more punch in the base; with detail and openness...I feel my current amps are not quite powerful enough to fully open my low impedence speakers; at 4 ohms...
Or if people might suggest other high power ss amps to consider; I'm open to other recommendations..The new Musical Fidelity Tritans are a bit out of my range; as are the mbl 9008's...

Thanks in advance for suggestions and recommendations.

Showing 1 response by jb8312

Not quite what you are asking for, but i went from the NuForce 9 SE V2 to the Bryston 28s after a year (or longer) search for new amps. I once lived with the 3BST and the 4BSST and the 28s are a sonic departure for Bryston. I did enjoy the former buy I could not commit to them with my dollar vote. I most closely compared the 28s to the Clayton M300s, which were really "tubie", perhaps to a fault.

I found the Brystons' to be just about everything i could ask the look, the build quality, the warranty and the sound.

As you are able to home demo both your options, obviously, you will make the best call for you, but I do hope you post your findings.

Good luck and enjoy the search, John