Bryston 28 sst's vs Spectron Musician 3 SE ?

I was wondering if anyone has compared both the newish Bryston kw monoblock amps; the 28 sst's; which received rave reviews vs the the class D Spectron Musician 3; rated at around 600 watts, for the pair of monoblocks; in the same ball park on price, $16k for the pair of Bryston; and around the same for the Spectron. I am looking to replace my MBL 8011's powering my MBL 111'es; looking for 'warmth' in the highs, and more punch in the base; with detail and openness...I feel my current amps are not quite powerful enough to fully open my low impedence speakers; at 4 ohms...
Or if people might suggest other high power ss amps to consider; I'm open to other recommendations..The new Musical Fidelity Tritans are a bit out of my range; as are the mbl 9008's...

Thanks in advance for suggestions and recommendations.

Showing 3 responses by dob


Spectron rated power output of 600 watts per channel is for their stereo and for monoblocks its about 1800 watts per channel.

Also, there are many, many MBL owners who own Spectron and like it more then MBL amplifiers at least for money.

I did not auditioned Bryston so I cannot comment on direct comparison.

Good Luck
Hi Dev, Mike very clearly stated that his audition was not at the local dealer ( he even wrote "LOCAL(!)" to make sure you understand) - therefore he could not take Bryston amplifier home for home audition.

What is not clear to you????

Next, Mike understood your words: "You are being very naive if you think this is the last amp and all you have to do is take a look at their past history, need I say more" as bad mouthing. I think the words speak for themselves and everybody can judge as he or she wishes.

Regarding audition process - A few months ago, Mike started the thread asking about virtues of Spectron - you can find it somewhere here. He auditioned a lot of amplifiers - and choose whatever he choose.

Mribob - asked about our take on Spectron/Bryston and similar amplifiers and if we want we can provide out input. It will be Mribob, finally responsible for whatever he choose (I hope only after home audition - if possible!)

Thus, here is no need in personal attacks.

All The Best
Hi Mribob,

What Terry refers to as " Spectrons generate a more convincing life like presentation over the Brystons." is the feeling you have when you use ultra high class tube amplifier. Not warm, euthonic a la old Conrad Jonston "maple syrop" but very high quality single ended triode amp.

It is not "tube-like" sound many solid state amp producers try to re-create by increasing 2nd harmonic distortion - thinking that we all never attended live music concerts.

As per Simon explanation - their job was in removing all sources of amp contamination and letting muisic to flow "as is".

The reason why I am posting now is to warn you that Spectron amps must be well broken (really about 1000 hours) and since they do not have their own signature (as per Simon) then if your preamp will send something wrong - it will be AMPLIFIED and NOT MASKED. Keep it in mind. You place additional demands on yourt front end components - some people love it, some people hate it.

All The Best in Your Search of Paradise!
