Brute power cheap?? Adcom Vs. Rotel vs. NAD

I my never ending neurosis about what to reccomend to my buddy (you guys know I am even worse about my own rig) who has Maggie 3.6's.Yes Yes Bryston,Sim,Bel Canto they all seem appetising but he has a limtied budget.Rotel 1090 would be good with 380 watts but used prices are too high at $1500.So two NAD 218THX's bridged to give what is it 700 wats (1100?) or go with Adcom GFA 5802 at 300 watts.Impression is that (without bridging) the NAD has more bass but a thicker sound.My tendency is towards an Adcom 300 should do it, amp remains balanced (NAD when bridged becomes un-balanced)and i think the Adcom has a warmer character.Thoughts gentleman?
Aragon 4004MKII more than capable and there is one listed today at $850.00 here. I have 4 of them.
I have owned a Hafler 9500 Transnova for the last 8 years or more. These amps were designed by Jim Strickland based on technology originally designed for Acoustat planar speakers. I have owned both NAD and Adcom amps over the years and feel the Hafler is a far better amp. The soundstage is huge. The amp can be a bit lean. I use a C-J tube preamp and find the pair to be very enjoable. I believe there is one on A-Gon for $595. They are rated at 250 wpc and can be bridged if you need more.
They may not have the SNOB appeal, but the newer Adcom gear is truly outstanding.

My good friend is using an Adcom 5802 to drive his Martin Logan CLSs. The sound is breathtaking. Smooth and powerful with plenty of finesse. Even at the new price of $1800, it's quite a deal. But used for ~$900 - it's an outright steal!

You'd have to spend a WHOLE lot more to do appreciably better. You've summarized it quite well with regard to the NAD products. They're very thick sounding. I think the MOSFETs of the Adcom coupled with the ribbon tweeter on the Maggies would sound terrific. The next best thing to a high-powered tube amp with the Magnepans is a nice MOSFET amp to smooth things out.

Others will recommend the usual suspects; Bryston, Aragon, etc. I wonder how many have actually listened - objectively - to the Adcom. Don't get caught up in the brand hype.

(BTW - I DO NOT own any Adcom gear, so there's not hidden agenda.)

Good luck to you!