brulee fails PC challenge

Big mouth brulee failed the PC challenge. Never had any doubts that the better PCs could make a difference. I know they can and do. Thought I would give it a try just to make sure big mouth knew what he was talking about. There was no pressure. I was all alone. Switched out the FIM PCs and put in a couple Beldon PCs. Just as I thought. The magic was gone. This is going to be easy I said to myself. Put the FIM back in and it sounded as bad as the Beldon. Images were stuck to the face of the speaker and was very dry sounding. Next day I listened again and all the magic was back. Big, liquid, flowing music was back. Swapped them out again and same thing happened. How can I take on this PC challenge when it takes the next day or at least several hours before the FIM PC comes around. I failed this test. I am convinced PCs make a subtle to dramatic difference but I still failed the challenge. I am very happy no one was there to say "I told you so". I am a believer in PC but what can be said of someone who constantly touts the benefits of PCs and then fails the PC challenge. I'm glad my friend Jhunter was not around. Any ideas to keep things stable? PCs do make an improvement, just ask the guy who failed the PC challenge. Any help would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by trelja

You haven't failed anything Brulee. Rather, you made an observation. One in which a lot was learned. Usually people whistle through everything, rarely stopping to observe. You did. Take that out of the whole experience, and add it to your already astronomical level of knowledge. As Leafs said, it takes a big man to admit what he has TRULY observed. Free of the worry of what others will think, what one is supposed to hear, or whatever other stuff prevents many from truly being OBJECTIVE. Yes, that is the word. Objective. Those who call themselves objective are actually more biased than most anyone else. As objective is as falacious a name for them as can be, I refer to them as flatlanders. Your kind of knowledge, experience, and honesty is truly what separates the men from the boys. Not only in audio, but in all things. This is what allows us all to get closer to what we ultimately seek. Be happy about what you discovered. You will come across a suitable workaround; via your own doing, or with the help of others on this site. In the end, we will all be better off because of it.