Brubeck's 'Time Out' listeners

Been tweaking my system (mostly room and rack) and heard something for the first time.

On the 'Take Five' track, when Joe Morello goes into his drum solo, am I hearing a reflection off of Eugene Wright's bass? It's right were Wright is playing. It's ever so delayed, but *there.*


I never would have thought my system (with tweaks suggested by you guys) could resolve something like that.

To those who are familiar with the recording (20 bit remaster) let me know!

Showing 2 responses by wmcmanus

Ya, Brubeck farted a lot, but always on key! That's why most people don't know about it and so few systems are able to pick it up.

It's a wonderful sensation when a simple tweek allows you to smell a familiar recordiing like it was just cut...

Ahh, we're just kidding!
Mprime, I've listened to this track several times at different volume levels, and there is no doubt that something a little different going on in the interval you describe, I'm just not sure what it is. I have not seen the live performance, so I cannot faithfully place the bass position, but as you're claimed - just to the right of center there is some sort of reverberation. I'm wondering if perhaps it's just an extension of kick drum thwaks?

I'll try again tonight on my Stax Omega II headphone rig which resolves quite well.