Brubeck's 'Time Out' listeners

Been tweaking my system (mostly room and rack) and heard something for the first time.

On the 'Take Five' track, when Joe Morello goes into his drum solo, am I hearing a reflection off of Eugene Wright's bass? It's right were Wright is playing. It's ever so delayed, but *there.*


I never would have thought my system (with tweaks suggested by you guys) could resolve something like that.

To those who are familiar with the recording (20 bit remaster) let me know!

Showing 3 responses by ben_campbell

Mprime or Mbhcid-could you give the exact timing of this effect please.
Mprime-I'll have a listen tonight or tomorrow and let you know what I hear..........
Had a listen last night and even got the girlfriend involved-her hearing is much better than mine.
To our ears the clearest "shift" is indeed at 1:50 although the weight of the piano and change could be considered to be intentional as part of the recording-maybe,maybe not.
Probably not due to the age of the recording.
During the drum solo there are again as described above quite a bit going on,certainly the odd noise which isn't clear (I had to crank the volume up quite a bit to hear what Eileen could hear)-we decided most of these were probably finger noises on the bass or something.
Anyway I certainly never quite noticed that change at 1:50 before as being a tape splice.................