Broke and still not happy

I like new country and good old rock & roll. My system sounds sterile, flat sounding,not musical and harsh in the highs.I have been playing bass guitar in the same band for 35 years for a living,I think I know what music is suppose to sound like. This is my gear.
Sonic Frontiers Line 1se,Classe Cam 200s,North Star Design Dac&Transport,Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors,Rel sub.Cables are balanced Nirvana SL pre to amps,Nirvana SL to speakers and Nirvana SX from source. Vibrapods under everything but amps. Echo Busters.HELP

Showing 5 responses by psychicanimal

Everybody's missed the point. I must be John the Baptist...preaching in the desert.
Forget about both for now. Get EVERYTHING out. The point is that you have not addressed the power delivery/noise control department. Audio is mainly about power, vibration control & acoustics. You need to work one at a time. Power is relatively straightforward (I'm lying) and acoustics can be dealt mas o menos. Go to and the Rives forum in the Asylum. Catch up on the acoustics subject.

High end is who you are, not what you buy.

All you have is a glorified power strip. You need to read, study and decide which approach to take for your system. First is whether your system will run off a 220V dedicated line w/ step down isolation transformer(s) or 110V dedicated line(s). Next is if balanced power will be used. That's enough for now...

High end is who you are, not what you buy.

Hey, I don't sell anything--and you're the one who's not happy. I'll put it in other words:
The professional is able to compensate the idiosyncracies of his equipment.

Thet's why I say what I say. Audio is not about buying expensive equipment. Audio is about knowing how to set up anything, anywhere and making it sound right. This skill takes time and effort to learn.

With psychic power and primal intensity,