Brinkmann Balance vs Basis 2800

Hi everyone
i need some insight. I have a system that I have been building for some time now and the time has come to pick a turntable. As you all know there are many options to choose from. I have 2 dealers willing to sell me turntables at reasonable prices. 

The first is the Brinkmann Balance. It is 1 year old 2 arm mount system. I have heard the spider and bardo systems and have researched the praises of this table; however, I have never heard the balance before

The second is the Basis 2800 signature. I have never heard this TT before but the reviews seem to recally appreciate the quality. This TT is 4 years old. 

Any my first hand knowledge of these two tables would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Thanks Kurt 
he Brinkmann comes with hrs platform and the 12" Brinkmann tonearm with the tube power supply.
Basis comes with vector 4 tonearm as well as callibrator and vacuum hold down. 
The basis is approximately 5k more expensive than the balance. 
Havent yet decided on the the cartridge yet. I taking it one step at a time but advice is really appreciated here. 
What are yours and others recs as well as the value of the price difference between these 2 items
Thanks would you go with the basis turntable then over the balance and pay 5k more or is the difference not worth the price difference???
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The Basis is the better table and well worth the extra cost.  Also Basis has the better support with out a doubt. I had no support from Brinkmann will never own one again.