Brighteyes or Conor Oberst recordings that are the least garage band-y

I have been enjoying some of my Bright Eyes recordings that I picked up on CD. The content is good, the kind of thing that is worthy of 4.5 or 5 stars from Rolling Stone. That is for the material though. The recording might get (at best) 3.5 stars. I like Digital Ash in a Digital Urn and just yesterday was listening to Letting off the Happiness. Both are worthy of follow up listening since the content grows on you in a good way. But some of the recording quality could be much better!

So I was wondering:: Could anyone recommend their favorite Brighteyes album? Anybody know which is the best recorded? How about Bright Eyes or Conor Oberst on vinyl? Maybe those recordings are better. Thanks for any help.


Showing 1 response by boxer12

Of their collection, I like "I'm wide awake it's morning" best. In LP form it is very well recorded as well.