Bright High End Speakers = Bad Room?

Long time lurker, new poster and diving right in.
I have noticed on the threads, a lot of what are considered high spend speakers, high end B&W's particularly, but not exclusively, being faulted for being "bright", a viewpoint typically garnered from "heard them at a show", etc.
I would posit that the reason this is, not exclusively of course, but in many cases, is due to a conscious decision in how these speaker companies balance on/off axis energy  (or an unconscious decision due to the space they were voiced in).

Whether it is assumed you are going to have more off-axis energy due to reflection/diffusion and/or assumed you are going to have less off axis energy due to absorption, if you don't implement your room accordingly, you are going to find the speaker bright or dark versus a speaker, even a low end one, that is voiced in a room more like the typical partially or poorly treated room.


Showing 2 responses by memcdm

The room might be the problem. Every room sounds different.  Interesting discussion. I have 4 two channel systems in 3 different rooms.  Moving the same speakers  B & W 703s and Monitor Audio Silver 10s and a couple of others to different  rooms yields very different tonal balances.  Moving the speakers to a different wall in the basement STUDIO room yields a very different balance as well as radically different imaging.  The room could be the issue.  I haven't found my B & W 703s to be too bright and I don't think all "high end" speakers are too bright. I have heard some that were ...."too cool" for my taste but most sounded articulate and wonderful.  Some cheaper units are very brittle and hard.  "HEARD THEM AT THE SHOW" is not a reliable judgment of any product. Until you have the units in your room with your components you really won't  know if you will like the sound or not. Years ago, my dealer would allow me to audition a product in my room before a final decision to purchase was made. I didn't like a very expensive abd beautiful set of Thiels I auditioned. They sounded a bit bright and, to me, too analytical. Others loved them.  I didn't have enough guts from my power amp perhaps that's why I didn't like them.  Who knows? If you don't like B & Ws or a "bright" speaker try something else. (I like the Monitor Audio Silver 10s better!) Enjoy the music!
Professional studio techs check their mixes on several different speakers.  The goal here is to provide a pr9duct that "translates" the artist's music to there listeners.  A "good mix" or "master" will "translate" well on different systems.  i have found that the recordings I really am moved by manage to "translate" well on a number of different systems from by car audio, a modest compact system as well as my attempt at putting together a "high end" system  There are no perfectly "flat" or "neutral" speakers in existence and if there were, that "perfect" speaker would sound different in different rooms and with different components. The pros put a lot of effort into perfecting the acoustics of their rooms and still, no two rooms sound exactly alike.  Put together a system that "translates" the music not only to your ears but to your heart and soul.  Trust your ears and your heart and ENJOY THE MUSIC.