bridging integrated amplifier

Hi, I have a NAD 7220PE. Would it be safe to wire the the left and right channels to bridge to a single 8ohm speaker?
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" Connecting both channels together will almost certainly destroy your receiver."

Depending on some other factors but this is how our stereo amp work in fully balanced monoblock mod and no amplifiers were destroyed yet but I would not bet against human creativity - one day I surely will be surpised!

Most probably will be either near silence or actually somewhat distorted sound: the last depends on parts tolerance in both channels which is rather expensive or very, very expensive.

The best if OP will ask manufacturer in question directly - they have great name and surely will advise professionally

All The Best.
The bridging wiring technique to take the positive from the receiver's right channel and connecting to the positive terminal on the speaker, then take the negative from the receiver left channel to the speakers negative terminal. The speaker is 8 ohm so the load should drop to 4ohms. I'll reach out to NAD also...