Bridge II card PS audio.

I'm in the market for a direct stream dac. My question concerns buying with or without the bridge II card.I already stream through a Blusound node and am satisfied with the sound.Anybody out there have input on weather the the Bridge II was an improvement over a blusound node.The Mcontrol app for controlling bridge II is pretty clunky compared to the blusound app. I just want any input people have experienced having listened to the Bridge II over their stand alone streamer under say 700.00   Marc.


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While I haven’t made a direct comparison of the bridge II versus the bluesound node in my system I do have the Directstream with the bridge II and my buddy uses the bluesound node in his system. Without question I prefer the interface of the node better than mcontrol app. Regarding sound quality I know it’s apples and oranges with two different systems but I can’t imagine one or the other being a huge improvement in sound quality except for maybe the node accepting wifi and the bridge II accepting only Ethernet.

What did make a slightly audible improvement for the bridge II is when I connected a wifi extender in my stereo room and used Ethernet from the extender to the bridge II which ended up being about 8 feet of cat5. Basically what that did is make the bridge II accept wifi. Wifi signals in my house seem to be better than the noise on a hard connected Ethernet cable.

I’m seeing a whole lot of Directstreams for sale lately and a number are without the bridge so if you are happy with the bluesound node I’d say save a few bucks and get a good deal on a Directstream sans bridge. Regardless of interface I really enjoy the DAC. Best of luck.