Bricasti M3

A new Bricasti dac has been released rather recently. The M3.  I see just a couple of short reviews. Anyone have any info they could share? Like maybe what makes it around $4000 less then the M1 for starters?
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Showing 3 responses by jimfinn2112

I'd love to hear it too!! Especially because I hear the price is going up very soon!
I receive the M3 with Network module tomorrow!! I loved that they are an American company out of Massachusetts. I'll post my thoughts in a few days. Brian at Bricasti has been great and answered all my questions promptly! If I remember correctly he said it's the best thing they've built. My comparison will only be to an Oppo 203. I'm stoked to say the least!!
I’ve had the M3 for about 6 weeks, so it’s good and broken in! The M3 is my first dac so I can only compare it to an Oppo 203...which is no comparison really!! I think it’s sounds great in my modest system. It would definitely be the highlight!! I would say it’s very musical! Sometimes I catch myself going holy crap  that sounds good!! I have the network card and have been running Roon in to it over Ethernet and using it with USB as well. Its hard to tell the difference sometimes. I upsample to Dsd 128 and then I’ll play it straight up and both are great! I just added some GIK panels and that definitely helped the room! Its a great looking machine and the remote is a chunk of aluminum. I liked dealing with the guys at Bricasti, and that ultimately led to the purchase! I’ll try to answer questions if someone has one!!