Bricasti M1 owners- have you found a power cord that you love?

Wondering if anyone that has the M1 has found that a power cord makes an appreciable difference and if so, what cord have you found that you think is fabulous with the M1? 

Showing 1 response by dhalchak

Hi, I have a Bricasti M1 SE that I use in my system all the time.  My friends and I started Finley Audio and have created a cord that we feel really works well it it.  The Bricasti was one of the "benchmark" pieces of equipment that we tested with to see if various cables from various manufacturers could make a difference.  We got up there pretty expensive before we decided to make our own.  So that's what we have.  We built the Cirrus cable due to wanting the performance over the cost.  Now is it, we've used the best products we could find and everything we have learned has been put into this cable to make it perform above the price point we've set.  And it does.

If you'd like to talk more about it I can give you more of the how it all came about or anything you'd like to know!
-Dan Halchak
Finley Audio