Bricasti DAC owners

I’m not associated with Bricasti other than owning a Bricasti dac. 
If you own a Bricasti dac purchased before 2020, I strongly suggest considering obtaining the newest digital board, the MDx.

It’s that good. 
There certainly is nothing wrong with any prior BRICASTI digital board. Technology advances, particularly in digital, and the MDx is a worthy advance 

Showing 15 responses by hgeifman

I installed the MDx upgrade board in my Bricasti M21 DAC on July 14 and have no issues. Everything is working fine.  
@ rogerhifi, How does the flash drive update work?   Do you insert the drive into your Bricasti and it updates the unit?  Please explain.   Thanks. 

@rogerhifi, I also installed the MDx upgrade board in my M21 DAC and it plays perfectly. Based on your sound and distortion issue, I wonder if one of the cables that was removed and replaced are not tight or connected correctly.

When I installed the MXd board, we checked, and DOUBLE checked again, to ensure all cables and wires were removed and re-connected correctly. If possible, please remove the top and check that all cables and wires are correctly connected and tight.

The MDx board install requires the USB and AES/EBU connection devices (on the back of the unit) to be removed and re-connected. It is possible one of these is loose or not tight. Cables in this area also need to be checked.

I also do not understand that the symptom can be cured by turning the unit off and on again. I am guessing it could be a lose connection but I do not know.

And, yes, please call Joe at Bricasti for help. Please keep us posted.
@jglacken, Based on what @rogerhifi posted above, I am going to repeat what I said above.

"I wonder if the sound and distortion issues are caused by an ‘interface issue’ between your source and the Bricasti DAC.  Please disconnect ALL components from the wall plug, wait 2 minutes and then re-start.   This process might reset the interface".

Does this help?   Please keep us posted. Thanks. 
@rogerhifi, Thanks for explaining this and I agree.  Now, we need Joe from Bricasti to determine what is wrong and fix it.  
I also installed the Bricasti MDx upgrade board on my Bricasti M21. My system sounds clearer, smoother, more engaging with more musical details. 

I like it very much and also recommend the $1,000 MDx board upgrade.

I have no issues with my Bricasti M21 DAC with the MDx board. My source is the Aurender N10.

I wonder if the sound and distortion issues are caused by an ‘interface issue’ between your source and the Bricasti DAC. This is just a guess.

Please disconnect all components from the wall plug, wait 2 minutes and then re-start?

This process might reset the interface. Does this help?

Please keep us posted. Thanks. Howard.

@essrand, I found a reviewer of the Bricasti iM3 DAC who reports "the level of liquidity and an overall silky smoothness that allowed the music to float into my listening space went to a higher level when I used three of the Krolo Design Enhancers underneath the M3.   The stock footers that Bricasti Design provides seem well constructed.  However, using these aftermarket devices made a noticeable improvement. I know that Bricasti Design’s more expensive DACs use Stillpoints as the standard footers.  They might consider bringing the Still-points down to the M3’s price point to get the maximum performance out of it, even if they have to charge a bit more to use them on this model".

I still recommend you install the MDx Upgrade Board.  
@essrand, I recommend the Bricasti MDx upgrade board be installed.  I installed the MDx in my Bricasti M21 DAC and the sound quality substantially improved.  The sound quality was smoother, clearer and more musical.   I had someone help me install the MDx board and it took about 30 minutes plus another 20 minutes to test. It worked perfectly.  The alternative is to ship your DAC to the Bricasti Factory.  

BTW, the Bricasti M1 Special Edition incorporates Still-points feet that are engineered and optimized exclusively for the design.  My M21 DAC has similar footers on but I do not know the brand.    

I just ordered the Bricasti V1.11 MDx Upgrade for my Bricasti M21 DAC. They shipped the firmware and instructions for how to install it.

The upgrade features are "In addition to the improved in performance that the MDx offers, there 2 new features in V1.11 for all products upgraded from early MDx versions: 

CLK Wide / Fine: On all products is the ability to change the Master clock sync from a fine very accurate setting to a more forgiving wide one, yielding a more relaxed sound and to allow for fine tuning of this change. Both settings yield very low jitter results. 

Filter 1: For the M3, M12 and M21 products, the addition of 2 new filters, one for each type linear and minimum phase. These filters are currently found in the M1 and were found to be customer favorites and we feel would be welcome addition to the current simple 2 filters approach in those products".

I received the new V1.11 MDx Upgrade for my Bricasti M21 DAC. SIM card from Bricasti, As per the enclosed instructions, I have to power down my Bricasti M21 DAC, remove the cover, insert the firmware chip into the unit and turn the power on. The instructions say inserting the chip needs to be done very carefully since there are no pins to guide it.

The DAC will be updated using the instructions in chip. When the upgrade is completed, the chip can be removed. A message will be displayed saying the upgrade is complete.

The instructions also said that some units cannot be updated meaning they have to be returned to the factory. I plan on doing the upgrade Saturday afternoon.







As per Bricasti's SIM Chip instructions (Bricasti V1.11 MDx Upgrade for my Bricasti M21 DAC firmware updates ), I removed the cover of my M21 DAC and inserted the SIM CHIP in the marked slot.  The SIM chip was very easy to align and insert. I had no issues and it works perfectly.  I also changed the setting to wide.  

After reading their instructions, I was concerned about finding the slot and inserting the SIM chip.  However, when I removed the cover, finding the slot was easy and I had no issues.  The location of where the chip needs to be inserted is clearly marked and obvious.  YES, you have to be CAREFUL inserting the SIM Chip and I used a flashlight to help me.  Once you power up the DAC, please watch the screen for a progress report and the words PROG OK.  Any questions, please ask. cheers,  

I recently changed the setting on my Bricasti M21 DAC (simple setting on the front panel) from a ladder R2R DAC to a delta sigma DAC. This is a test and I have no final comments. However, the ladder DAC seems more relaxed and musical while the delta sigma seems more direct. To be honest, I like both options and the ability to switch back and forth.

Bricasti Customer Support says “Sigma delta came along and basically replaced R2R more than 20 years ago. It was the next generation of technology and promised better performance: lower noise, distortion, etc. The reason you are noticing the R2R appearing smoother is the resister ladder is less efficient and slower than sigma delta which basically up samples to DSD rates to do its Job. You can hear it clearly when you listen to something very transient like a snare drum hit. With the ladder the snare almost disappears compared to the sigma. Personally, I prefer the Sigma Delta, but many people love the R2R. That’s the beauty of having them both”.

My Bricasti M21 DAC has the MDx board installed and the Bricasti V1.11 MDx Upgrade for (also for the M1SE, M3). My Bricasti M21 DAC substantially improved the sound quality of my audio system. To my ears, everything sounds truly outstanding. The music is clearer, less dark, better bass and sounds more like music.

@zavarto, Thanks for the great suggestion. I will change the Master clock sync to 'wide' and see how it sounds.

Bricasti M21 DAC owners only (FYI): My Bricasti M21 DAC is located on the bottom right shelf of my Salamander Designs Wooden 66” Cabinet. The back of the cabinet is open and to the left of the DAC is also open. The right panel is closed and so is the cabinet door. To the immediate left of the DAC is my integrated amplifier that also run warm. I recently noticed the M21 DAC’s temperature is around 122 degrees as noted on the front status screen.

The Bricasti Manual says “says the maximum ambient operating temperature is 40 C, this would yield an internal temp of 60 C as indicated on the M21 temp display. Exceeding the maximum ambient temperature may cause the M21 to enter thermal shutdown and stop processing sound as a safety”. Since 60 C is 140F, I am okay.

The Bricasti Engineering Team reports "I am fine since the temperature of my M21 DAC is in the normal operating range". Great news.