Bricasti Amplifier M25

I have currently bought a Bricasti M12 DAC/Pre-Amplifier in my two channel system and is thinking of replacing my Parasound Halo A21+ amplifier. One obvious choice would be to pair the Bricasti M12 DAC with a Bricasti amplifier M25 which is a dual mono design and it is a fully balanced model. I am also going to evaluate two other amplifiers Luxman M900u and Parasound Halo JC1+ mono blocks. I have Aerial Acoustics Model 7T as the front speakers. Does anyone have any feedback on the amplifier Bricasti M25? I would go for a home trial of all three shortlisted amplifiers shortly but appreciate your feedback on this subject.
BTW I have already demoed a pair of Gato PWR-222 mono block amplifiers in my set up and the sound appeared to be a little too dark to my taste. So I haven't shortlisted them.


Showing 8 responses by indranilsen

Hello folks,
I am currently in the process of auditioning a brand new Bricasti M25 amplifier in my two channel set up. It is going through the break-in process. I find the sound to be very clean, detailed and fast. I like everything there but it also appears that the music is running at a much higher speed than what I am used to hearing. It could be an artifact of the break-in process or an inherent sound characteristic of the amplifier. I understand that amplifiers sound different across the brands but does the speed of a given music change from one amplifier to another? Do you have any feedback or comment on this observation?
This is the 2nd week of auditioning of the Bricasti M25 amplifier and everything appears to be running normal with this amplifier. The speed issue that I pointed out earlier has disappeared and it was indeed a characteristic of the amplifier break-in process.

Yes I compared the speed (music appears to be running a tad faster) after the Bricasti unit ran for about 3 days and it matched with other amplifiers like Luxman M900u, Halo A21+, etc and it is the same. So as I mentioned in my earlier post it was possibly a characteristic of the amplifier break-in process. After listening very carefully I also found that Bricasti delivers music with much more power than the other amplifiers that I auditioned. This results fast, detailed and effortless reproduction of music at any frequency which sometimes feels to me faster but it's really not a speed issue.
@sksos- Thanks. Yes it sounds really good and very musical. I am in the process of comparing it with at least three amplifiers Parasound Halo A21+, JC1+ and Luxnan M900U and i will provide my feedback when done... I wanted to try the Pass Lab mono blocks XA 160.8 and Bricastii M28 mono blocks but decided against it to keep this evaluation process relatively simple.

@d2girls- You have to find our a Bricasti dealer to audition their mono block amplifier M28. Bricasti does support home trial but only through dealers. You can contact Damon any Gramont of Bricasti Design 1-805- 222-5871 for question or help in this regard.
@sksos- I wanted to go for the mono blocks initially and I had Bricasti M28 mono block amplifier in my list. However I was somewhat discouraged to go for mono blocks because my listening room is relatively small (16x12 ft) and my speaker Aerial Acoustics Model 7T has a relatively easy driver load. I didn't need mono blocks for its sheer power but I wanted it for the better isolation/lower noise and control on my speaker yielding much superior performance even at lower volume. But it seems that in my environment Bricasti M25 stereo amplifier (dual mono design) would be a better fit.

What do you guys think about using a set of mono block amplifiers in a relatively small room over a stereo amplifier when both amplifiers are well designed like Bricasti or Pass Labs.

@kodak805- Your 2 channel system looks awesome!!!. I had the budget for Bricasti mono blocks and it was not a factor for moving over to M25 amplifier. Since I didn't have any hands-on experience with mono blocks I am going ahead with the recommendation of my dealer who thinks that M25 would be more effective in my room and the difference in performance between M28 & M25, costing additional 10K wouldn't be cost effective. Ideally I would try both in my room but in the current environment plagued by Covid-19 Bricasti doesn't have these amplifiers ready for my trial. They built a brand new M25 for my trial and asking them to build a pair of M28 might not get immediate response...I would try the mono blocks when I move into a different house/ biggerroom sometimes in the future.

@essrand- I am going to start listening to the Luxman M900U late this week after giving enough time to Bricasti M25 to break-in. It would be a very interesting session and I would keep you in the loop.

@rsf507- Yes I do have an update. I have completed the evaluation of Luxman M900u and Bricastii M25 amplifiers in the last week and decided to go ahead with the Bricasti unit. Although M900u was very close but here are the areas where I found Bricasti amplifier to be better, not significantly but good enough to move the needle, at least in my room.
1. Low noise floor. This was evident from the relatively quieter background. 
2. Music appeared to be relatively faster and more enjoyable. This could be a perceived benefit of the lower noise floor.
3. Music appeared to be relatively punchier without being harsh. Its presence was effortless and it appeared that the amp had a ton of current to drive the speakers.
4. Enough details in  both mid range and high frequency bands without being bass shy. The balance over the entire frequency range was very much noticeable in all of my critical listening sessions.
5. Exceptional control on the low frequency. The bass was exceptionally articulate, fast and non fatiguing. Tried all bass heavy songs from Pink Floyd, Holly Cole, Jennifer Warnes, Peter Gabriel to Random Access Memory and this amp delivered the bass effortlessly.
6. Last but not the least both my Dac and the amp being Bricasti products the integration was seamless. All of the above benefits,  in my opinion, have originated from this happy marriage.

Luxman is also a wonderful product. It was a tad smoother and a little sweeter in the mid range than Bricasti. It lacked the power or the effortlessness, again not by a huge margin,, that I found in Bricasti. I also found the speed of the music to be a tad slower after hearing Bricasti.

I have to admit that the speed of music was a revelation for me in this evaluation process. Never heard it (music appearing faster) in any of my previous amp demo sessions. So when I was introduced to it in the beginning I thought it to be an artifact of the amplifier break-in process and a little odd but it was really not. It is a unique feature of the Bricasti amplifier that complements its all other characteristics. As I mentioned before it did sound a little odd in the beginning but I have started liking it and all other amps including the Luxman now sounds a tad slow.
Finally I haven't evaluated Luxman with its very popular pre-amplifier C900u which when mated with the amplifier M900u might yield a significantly better performance. 


@essrand231-  That is my take as well. I wanted to do an audition of Pass XA 160.8 but given the brand synergy that I have experienced I didn't go for it. 