Brentworth Type III

I went to a local dealer today and got a chance to listen to these speakers. I thought they sounded great. The imaging and soundstage was very clear and wide. I had to look behind me just to make sure there wasn't any speakers behind me. The vocal on it was a little harsh, but the rep told me they just got them in the week before so they need to be broken in further. I was very impressed that just two little 6.5 drivers can produce such full range of sounds without any crossover. I just want to know if anyone else had the chance to listen to them and what is your opinion?
They are about 4 yrs old so most likely the earlier model. I do still recommend them. The new ones are either better or just another model that will make our old one's seem less desireable. They are good speakers with a single ended 2a3 or 300b, they are 103 db effiency speakers, not many non horn speakers can claim that. To give you a idea what the difference in sound is compared to wilson 6's. The brentworth's sound with a lp playing like the wilsons with a cd playing. A little thin and lacking bass. But if you want a really revealing speaker with great imaging the brentworth are nice. If I were looking to buy a pair it might be better to get the new ones they are most likely better. If you want to save a few bucks wait for a pair to come up on audiogon, in the last 2 years I have seen 2 pairs and one of the larger model that takes 2 amps sold.
good luck.
Ed Ralff
I haven't heard the type III but I have a pair of the type I's. I'm interested in any feedback on these. I'm thinking about going back to vintage equipment, so these may be for sale if anyone is interested.