Breakdown of Turntable Performance

Over the years I've read numerous reviews of turntables, arms, platters, and plinths.  I always wondered how much these individual components contributed to the overall sound.  Here's my take:
Cartridge - 80%
Arm - 10%
Platter - 5%
Plinth - 5%

Showing 5 responses by slaw

Regarding an analog rig (tt,arm,cart)... what's the weakest link?

It's the ability of any tt manufacturer to isolate a mechanical bearing from reaching the platter...IE: the lp!

MyMat is the most cost-effective solution to take care of this.
All... I've updated my ad for MyMat.

Here's the main thing....Turntable manufacturers have a big hurdle to overcome when using a mechanical bearing. This is trying to keep the bearing' vibration (no way to overcome this with a mechanical bearing) from reaching the platter. In addition, just in the act of playing a record, the stylus is vibrating. These two BIG issues keep us from hearing a turntables ultimate performance. The easiest way to solve these two big problems is with an effective platter mat. I've developed one. Check out my revised ad on USAM. If you respond to this ad, I can answer any questions and take care of any order.

Happy Listening!

Hey, It's my product and was just beta testing it. I don't have a site but would love to have you PM me with any questions.
A cheap/effective alternative to all of this is a proper platter mat.

The MyMat is quite possibly the most effective cure for most tt ills. Read a review on "What’s on your turntable tonight" thread.
I'd start with a tt's ability to have it's platter effectivly isolated from its bearing.