Break In Experiences with Anti-Cables level 2.1 speaker cables?

Just looking for any other user info on Anti-Cables level 2.1 speaker cables
Too cut a long story short, all of my previous speaker cables were always bought used so I guess already well broken in. After buying a short pair of anticables used for my ht rig and hearing very good improvement I stumped up for a pair of brand new direct from Anticables 15ft level 2.1 speaker cables
These replaced a set of AudioQuest cables
At first I really heard no difference so just though oh well, not a lot of money spent so no big deal.
However as the week progressed they changed, oh how they changed!
Vocals have faded into the background, low to mid bass is now bloated and booming and just, well horrible is best description.
I am sincerely hoping this is just a phase in the "break in" process and this will clear and all will be at least as good as previous.
As a simple near solid copper wire I truly did not expect such a startling change.
Nothing else has been changed in my setup at all, just the addition of these cables.
Does anybody else have experience with these cables and their break in process?
Just thought I would update this.
I did in the end return the anticables as just could not tame down the bass bloom to my taste.
I purchased a set of van den hul d352 to replace ( ebay, right length, right time, right price meant to
With these I could detect no area that appeared to be unnaturally boosted so happy enough.
Then I made a change to the sub.
I swapped the present psb 6i ( really a ht sub) for the one in my ht rig which is a rel stentor 2. Darn I had forgot how heavy that beast was!
This swap entailed connecting the rel to the bat using a neutrik plug which also enabled me to lose those negative post connections as made just one to each left and right positive and one to the bat chassis.
now, now I am really enjoying the sound, the bass is much less loose, the rel punches a lot harder with its 10 inch driver than the psb did with its 12inch.
It has been suggested in another thread I posted on class d amps that i need to seriously upgrade my speakers as they are a complete mismatch to the level of the rest of my components.
Well the way things sound right now I am just going to enjoy the music for a while......
I have never had an issue with Audioquest cables. I have water XLR interconnects, rocket 88 for from 3 speaker cables( wish I could afford the same for all 11 channels LOL ) coffee hdmi, I have spent a ton of money on cables, I upgraded from rocket 33 to rocket 88, I immediatly heard a difference for the better, the midrange seemed to open up and become more transparent, after a week or so, it was a massive difference, in fact I put my old rocket 33 back on just to see if it was a plecebo effect or actual difference, and it was not a placebo effect, there was a dramatic difference. The PSC+ copper and dbs pack make a huge difference. I wasn’t sold at first I thought it was a gimmick and BS! I thought copper was copper, the 12 gauge you buy at Lowe’s or Home Depot was good enough, but I learned my lesson. I even borrowed a pair of transparent cables from a friend, these were stupid expensive I think somewhere in the area of 4000 a pair, and they sounded very shrill, pure silver vs copper, maybe the conductor makes the difference maybe it’s the shielding, I don’t know but I was would have been madder than a old red hen if I spent 4000 on cables and they sounded like that. My best answer to your question though is cables do break in, and not every cable will sound good with every system. Sometimes the lesser expensive ones match better than the UBER expensive. Good equipment will make a difference as well. With what you have depending on length I’d look at a pair of rocket 44.. not to support a certain store, but audio advisor sells a no frills rocket 33-44-88, it’s not Audioquest ends and terminated by them, the 88 doesn’t come with the dbs, that’s why I recomend 44, but they will make them to length for you and offer a return I think 30 days... not a bad program in my opinion. And it’s literally over half off the price of factory terminated. I have seen them in person and they look pretty decent.

I don’t have the most extreme system in comparison to some I have seen here, but it’s decent enough to hear differences in cables. 

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