Break-in ?

I don't get it. I realize that almost all audio gear requires break-in before things reach their full potential. But having just followed a discussion related to Magico speakers, I heard several people trashing their sound and others defending what are generally regarded as exceptional speakers. Apparently, the defenders claim that Magico speakers in particular need at least 600 hours of break-in prior to which they will sound disappointing. Why is it that component manufacturers dont burn in their products for whatever time is required so that the consumer receives a product in a ready to go state? I'd hate to spend 5 figures or more on a component and have to suffer through break-in wondering if my purchase was a mistake. I think I remember reading somewhere that Classe and/or Bryston burn in their products for 100hrs prior to shipment. Why isn't this standard practice?


Showing 2 responses by jchiappinelli

Not picking on Magico but I would think any company that is asking you to spend up the type of money they get for their products would do exactly that. Luxury products are high margin. Shouldn't it be something to expect from high end manufactures?  Lower end products have thinner margins and rely more on volume sales. I wouldn't expect them to burn in their products but when your products carry a 5 or 6 figure price tag, why is it too much to ask?

No one (with the exception of ebm) has addressed my original question. Either responses have been that break-in periods are not really necessary or posters go on to list the reasons for and required time for breaking in various components. I'm not questioning the need. The owners manuals for several components i have are specific as to the break-in periods required for their equipment to reach full potential. The question remains  why don't manufacturers bed, burn, or break in their products as part of their provision. This should be especially true when it comes to products commanding 5 or 6 figure price tags. 
