Break-in ?

I don't get it. I realize that almost all audio gear requires break-in before things reach their full potential. But having just followed a discussion related to Magico speakers, I heard several people trashing their sound and others defending what are generally regarded as exceptional speakers. Apparently, the defenders claim that Magico speakers in particular need at least 600 hours of break-in prior to which they will sound disappointing. Why is it that component manufacturers dont burn in their products for whatever time is required so that the consumer receives a product in a ready to go state? I'd hate to spend 5 figures or more on a component and have to suffer through break-in wondering if my purchase was a mistake. I think I remember reading somewhere that Classe and/or Bryston burn in their products for 100hrs prior to shipment. Why isn't this standard practice?


Showing 2 responses by georgehifi

The question remains why don’t manufacturers bed, burn, or break in their products as part of their provision. This should be especially true when it comes to products commanding 5 or 6 figure price tags.

I said it before in so many words, "they are" and adjusted to specification at operational temperature at the factory.
If they "burnt in" anymore after weeks and months, all the adjustments made would drift also that were made at the factory, and it would then be out of spec, and sound worse
The manufacturers don’t say for you to bring the device back for re-calibration after it’s "burnt it" do they?

Speaker drivers are the exception, as they are mechanical and do change "burn in" from new.

Cheers George
jchiappinelli OP
I realize that almost all audio gear requires break-in before things reach their full potential.

Don't let the "snake oiler's" tell you electronic components need weeks, months, years, to "burn in" they don't most stuff has already been taken to operation temperature for a couple of hours to be "adjusted to spec" (bias, dc,etc etc) at the factory.  Electrolytic capacitors take the longest, a couple of hours will see them "properly polarized" if not they are dud caps.
If the those components took months and years to "burn in" then the factory "adjusted to specs" figures will be out to blazes and need readjusting, when you "burn in" for a few months.

The only components in audio systems that "really" needs "burning in" (I think "bedding in" is a better term) and will sound different are the "mechanical devices", tweeters,mids bass drivers, in the speakers will change a bit over time because their roll-surrounds, cones will change compliance, (get stiffer or softer) over time. Also the stuffing inside a speaker will compact over time and "could vary the acoustic damping a little. Even phono cartridges, their cantilever suspension components vary it's compliance over time.

Cheers George