Brand new to vinyl: Help!

I am brand new to vinyl, but quite established in digital (CDs, lossless streaming, etc.).

I made the first foray to vinyl by purchasing an entry level turntable - Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC Esprit.

I am using an Ayre pre-amp with phono stage and also Ayre amp.

While I am happy I have it up and running, I don’t think it sounds as good as my digital setup (Directstream DAC).

So what can I do to improve, short of buying a much more expensive turntable?

Things in my mind:

1 - Since it accepts DC power, buy a linear power supply

2 - Since my Phone stage on my preamp only accepts XLR three-pin connector, I bought a male RCA to male XLR cable from Amazon, less than $20. Do I need a better interconnect?

3 - Upgrade the cartridge (it comes with Ortfofon Red something)


Showing 1 response by mgolpoor

I will not even try to get into digital vs analog discussions. At best it’s been covered a trillion times and at worst what sounds great to me may sound average to you. But to put your situation in another perspective that may make better sense you have a high performance car with the cheapest tires. You can change the air pressure, balance the wheels differently even put a heavy load in the trunk and each time the ride will be different. You will only get the best ride out of your car when the tires are appropriate for your car. In all instances all tires will get you from A to B.