Brahm's g- minor piano quartet

at a loss here. as I don't like the amadeus, perhia, pollini , quartetto italiano, nor the ax ma stern laredo set. Help! Open to historical, or live performances too.

Showing 5 responses by buxter66

oh, is it the one with arthur balsam??? I don't know that one. yes, performance all the way.
Sugarbrie, does Trampler wake the Beaux Arts a little bit compared to their trio recordings? (I don't mean to demean the Beaux Arts, but have found them a little sleepy in the past when they are on their own... even in live performance. For example, my favorite recording with them is the Schumann Pno. Quartet with Sam Rhodes. I find Trampler often a wonderful chamber musician in older recordings i.e. Budapest Mozart viola quintets)
thanks tweekerman, actually, that's the one that I need that I totally forgot about. Believe it or not, I actually like those live Bridge recordings. I heard the samples at their site... It's definitely my cup of tea. I actually think that it is Balsam at his best, whereas on other sonata recordings (he is best known as a top flight "accompanist") I find him a bit wooden and static.
I think the main probolem about these piano quartets are that they are so damn difficult and complex. Very hard to pull off.
yes, the andreas staier, concerto koln mozart concertos, #'s
9 and 17 on teldec. I thought it was you who didn't think a pianist also conducting wouldn't be successful. I'm telling you, this recording is astounding. I'm not as crazy about their recording of the #18 and 19.
I got the proarte and rubinstein Brahms g minor tonite, i think the budapests and balsam are most to my taste in this piece.