Bought a system without auditioning, thoughts?

Long story but I ended up buying a system without auditioning a single component and haven’t set it up, what are your thoughts? Technic SL 1210 GR, nagaoka mp-500, eversolo dmp-a6, pass labs xp 17, pass labs int-250, klipsch forte iv, Cardas clear Cygnus speaker cable, Cardas clear interconnects, Cardas clear Cygnus phono cable.  I know I don’t need the int-250 for the klipsch but got a great deal.


Showing 1 response by lak

All good components, and they will most likely sound very good together. After break-in time the only question is will your system suit your needs and likes. I believe at least half of the music-listening community, if not a larger percentage, cannot audition equipment they purchase in a store let alone in their home. I'm glad to read that you decided to "bust a move" instead of thinking about what to do and being stuck in neutral. Eventually, you will sell one or more of your components and purchase something else, I call it the evolution of audiophila.