Boston Accoustic VR975, Need some input please.

I auditioned the VR975 a while back and was pretty impressed with their sound for home theater. These are power towers with an active and radiating sub. If any one has experience with these in any way, please throw out your .02 either good, bad, or ugly. Thanks, Chris.

Showing 1 response by lazarus28

i used these for about 4 years (sold 'em a few months back), before i was first getting in to high-end audio. they are very, very good home theater speakers, especially if running off af an a/v receiver. they are colored enough to cover up some of Dolby Digital's limitations, without obscuring too much detail. not the final word in detail or musicality, but easy to listen to. plus, you don't need an external subwoofer.

i heard them against all the popular midfi HT brands - Def Tech, Phase Tech, Klipsh, etc - and just really preferred the sound across the spectrum. coherent, easy to drive, not bad looking either.

for the money, they are really good speakers for a pretty good home theater and/or music system. especially at the prices you can find 'em now.

you can do much, much better. you can also do much, much worse. for the money, i'd recommend them to *anybody* who cares about audio in a heartbeat, especially if on a budget.