Bose Bashers Read This !

Listed below is actual ad copy from a Bose advertisment found in a magazine. Get your barf bag out and read what this company who calls themselves " the most respected name in sound" is saying. Your comments as to truth in advertising are invited. HAVE AT IT GUYS. BETTER SOUND THROUGH RESEARCH Whats in a name? A name is much more than a word, because behind every name is a message. Edison. Curie. Monet. Gershwin. At Bose, we've worked almost 40 years to earn a legacy of pride, commitment to research and passion for excellence. To invent breakthrough technologies that turn yesterday's fiction into today's reality. And to become the most respected name in sound. In one sense a name is merly a name. But everything it stands for is what matters. REPUTATION !

Showing 1 response by albertporter

Yes Harvardian, why does Bose think that sticking the front speaker more than one inch above the finish level of the instrument panel in the new Volvo is attractive? I know it lends identity to those who want to be recognized as purchasing a "premium" automobile sound system, but it was one of the reasons I did not buy a new Volvo this time. I had previously purchased four in a row before this round. Thanks Blose for your wonderful overdone esthetics (marketing) design to go along with the overdone (marketing) sound.