Borresen Loudspeakers

Had the opportunity to attend the launch event of the Borresen X1 loudspeakers last night in Chicago @nextlevelhifi ​​​​​with @jays_audio_lab. From their M6 at $550k per pair all the way down to the newly launched X1 speakers last night at $5500 your ears will smile. Amazing what a 4.5” driver can do. If you are in the market for any price range speaker about $5,000 and up you have to hear these. Imaging is 3 dimensional, larger than life soundstage and just absolutely stunning performance with a look that will fit any room. This manufacturer out of Denmark really gets it and I don’t care what price point you are looking at these speakers will out perform speakers double the price.  If you are buying speakers up to $25k you have to hear their $11k option.  The rep for Borresen is hitting all the shows/events over the next several months in the US. Oh, and by the way, I loved the X1 so much I bought the first pair that will ship to me in early March!

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Showing 6 responses by ghasley

@deep_333 My neighbor has a cat, which is equally as relevant as the speakers you've owned. I'm not a Borresen fan or foe, never heard them or seen them. The gentleman who started this thread and many others like what they heard...


I am, however, really keen on intelligent discourse and many here have grown weary of those who post about "dumb rich guys" who "buy big ticket items" to "impress others". As if they lose their hearing and common sense as their wealth increases.


Exactly no one is impressed, even if they are audiophiles.

@bmwalpina  You must not be their target market for the $500k speaker. Im not either. Doesnt mean they arent worth it to someone who is.


@roxy54 I think deep must be on tilt.




I don’t know how you feel, but if you know that someone about to sell you something with 80% mark up... do you still feel good buying it?

If I like something and I feel it is worth it to me then I dont particularly care what someone’s margin may or may not be. My time is too precious to worry about those things in the world that are out of my control. I’m not a Borresen customer nor apologist. The only cure for high prices are high prices…they will either sell some or they wont, why get yourself into a lather about it?


not to mention, you are just a pawn so they can get be sensational and get noticed...

While I dont particularly agree with your assessment that I am a pawn for Borresen or any other manufacturer, if I am, they have sure misplayed their chess board. I’m sure Borresen and Ansuz and the rest of the Audio Group Denmark corporate efforts will be fine, it won’t be because of my patronage. I’m sure its fine gear, its just not my thing any more than McIntosh or Focal is.


Well... I guess for some people, it’s worth it to be robbed, as long as they also can gain entry to the "sensational club"

I can afford buying $500k worth of fine items, I just refused to be rob.

High end audio is a niche, its fun but it isnt particulary lucrative from a business standpoint. Perhaps those speakers are terrific or perhaps they aren’t…neither you nor I know because neither one of us has heard them. If you are so fearful of being robbed, it might be great to speak to a professional. I don’t recall ever being fearful in a hifi shop.

@bmwalpina you seem to be missing the subtle nuances. Intelligent people of means simply don’t buy what doesn’t make sense from their particular value judgement. I’m not saying you should or shouldn’t buy anything, no one is. I AM EMPHATICALLY saying that you should not impose your value judgement on others. You buy alot of things every day that have high margins, all of us do. Ultra expensive Hifi isn’t a heart/lung machine…it isnt required to sustain life and there are plenty of substitute products in Hifi that can bring the listener joy. Buy what you want, or don’t…but your outrage over them building an uber expensive item is misplaced. Alot of people wont buy them but some may. Good for them.


And…how can you be legally robbed in a volutary transaction? Unless there is fraud or misrepresentation it can’t happen. You either like what you hear or you don’t.


What if the margin was 70%? 60%? 50%? Since you dont know its as likely as your 80% guess. Sales and marketing is an important role, however, there are alot more good salesmen than good speaker designers. You make it sound easy and reasonable people can agree to disagree.


I’m not in the market for a Phantom either as they are fugly. Your guesstimated breakdown has nothing to do with what is inside the speaker, the parts, etc. Once again, I’m not defending the speaker in sound or cost but I am not going to make a value argument without any clue…



There are only a few things Id like to point out….you havent got any idea what the speakers sound like nor do you have any idea what the speakers cost to produce nor their margins. Yet, you opine that they are “legal robbery” with a mic drop? Whatever.


Other than that, nice post.