Borresen Acoustics Speakers - Have you heard them & what did you think?

Borresen Acoustics have recently launched three models of loudspeaker.   The chief designer is ex-Raidho Acoustics.  Just wondering whether anyone heard or auditioned them and if so what were your impressions?  When commenting please let us know what loudspeakers you have today as this provides a useful point of reference.   

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I first heard the 01s at FL Audio Expo 2019 and was shocked how those little speakers sounded like they had two subwoofers hooked up to them. Very big sound. Clean as it can be. Big soundstage. They are definitely a top class hi-end speakers that do everything right. 

I heard them again at FL Audio Expo 2020. See last year the Danish guy, I can’t recall his name now. He played his own music and that guy knows his stuff. He knows how to setup the speakers, which tracks to play. Well, this year this guy gave his own CDs and the 01s sounded horrible. I mean so horrible that I had to leave the room. 

To me, even in 2019, they weren’t worth $37K. Not to mention I don’t like speakers that sound hi-fi. Don’t know what it means but I guess if it is too perfect, I lose the soul of the music. I know it doesn’t make sense but I prefer my Harbeths because they make music although they don’t do everything perfectly. 

However, same show this year, I have heard the Joseph Audio Perspective2s and I was floored. They’re the best sounding speakers I have ever heard. I haven’t heard any speakers that sound close to live performance that much. And they are $15K, way cheaper than 01s.
Btw, I think the amp that was powering the 01s was Aavik (spelling?)
@xti16 correct, his name is Lars.  I don’t know. Really, it is too much money. I’d rather have Joseph Audio Perspective2s for $15K. 
@nyaudio98 do you mean the 01s and others have new prices? 01s cost $11K now? If that’s the case, I frankly wouldn’t want to do business with them. That’s a pretty bad start for a company. Can you believe people purchased the 01s at $37K, now it is $11K. They ripped off their customers in my eyes. At $11K they’re still making money. How do I know, next year they will not say “now the 01s are $5K” :) I hope I misunderstood you. 
@nyaudio98 after your post, I checked their website. I didn’t see their new speakers. Sorry my bad.
Lowering their price for their higher end speakers dramatically, would be a bad move. I didn’t make sense. Well, it makes sense now that you were talking about their new line.
@b_limo I was going to mention Joseph Audio (again) like I did before in this thread but decided not to steal the show from Borresen. Since you mentioned, I’d like to say I’d buy Joseph Audio Perspective2s any day of the week instead the Borresen.