Boring but still needed: which VHS VCR?

Here is a non-sexy question: My old HS VCR expired, which brand and model should I get (or brands to stay away from!)?

I have already invested in a dvd player, so only VCR is needed. It will be used for watching old tapes (so safe mechanical handling is an issue) and for normal recording and viewing.

My local sources are offering Panasonic 4525, 4624, and *refurbished* Sony N750, N55, N77. Prices are under or around $100 and any differences are not deciding factors. I can also buy inline if something else will make much better sense. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by ghostrider45

I've always been a fan of JVC VCRs. If you look around you can find a JVC DVHS 3000U or DVHS 4000U inexpensively. These decks do VHS and SVHS as well as digital VHS (480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i). They are built like the older recorders and are probably the last of the breed - DVHS is already dead with blu-ray and HD-DVD on the horizon. Both are superb VHS/SVHS decks with the DVHS as an extra. They feature built in VHF/UHF/Cable tuners and support VCR+.

You can check Agon's sister site Videogon. Sometimes good things show up there.