Bookshelf to replace Martin Logan Source

Looking to replace a pair of Martin Logan ESL 'Source' speakers with a bookshelf set that can deliver similar sound quality with wider/taller dispersion. Trying to reduce the clutter and footprint (towers and subwoofer), and improve sound field. System will be powered by NAD C388 (with BloOS2i MDC) - once I figure-out how to get all the various firmware updates done and app to recognize it (wow NAD setup is unfriendly - compared to Denon).

  • B&W FPM4 = Used these as computer monitors for years. They have terrific mids/highs, but require a sub.
  • Elac Debut2.0-6.2 = Great value (not on-par with FPM4 or Debut2), now in the garage system - replaced Micca...
  • Micca MB42X - also a good value, but these weren't intended to compete with ML - they were purchased for near-field computer speaker duty, and later moved to garage (prior to Elac). 
  • SVS Ultra Bookshelf = Had high-hopes for these, and they do play low along with good mid/highs, but they sound like old rotary phone speakers compared to ML Source.
  • Auditioned Golden Ear Aon3 side-by-side with SVS Ultra Bookshelf in a store recently, and couldn't immediately tell which I preferred, so likely Aon3 will compare similarly to UltraBS against ML's. Even though I'm a GE fan (Triton3+ in the HT system), Aon3 is a non-starter.
Next, I'd like to try Buchardt S400 (rated down to 33Hz), reviews say they are very good - especially bass and dispersion. One YouTube review I watched even mentioned 'ESL sound'.

Are there any other bookshelf possibilities in the sub-$2000 range that might be close to ESL? Oddly enough, think the biggest hurdle is bass. They don't need to have the 'magic' mid/highs of ESL's (I'd be very surprised to find that), but they need bass equal to Source (which are not especially noteworthy - for towers).

SVS UltraBS fall short on bass. I could leave the sub there, but with a sub the B&W FPM4's actually have better mid/high than SVS. Guess I'm looking for outstanding bass and mid/highs on-par with UltraBS and FMP4's.

Any bookshelf recommendations in the sub-$2000/pr range are appreciated!

Showing 1 response by acousticrat33

I agree with elliotbnewcombjr about bookshelfs and bass. As being hooked on electrostats, I have ML Source in bedroom system, and like them a lot, including bass w/out subwoofer.

Recently on an impulse bought Emotiva B1 bookshelf still on discount for just $229/pr., planning to eventually use them for desktop or basement system. The folded ribbon tweeters are very ESL like. Very nice clear and detailed mids and highs, in some ways more satisfying than ML Source. Dispersion differs resulting in somewhat better imaging than the "smearing" effect known for ML ESLs.

That would leave you $1700 or so for an amazing sub to cover the bass. Or get some ML Motion 15 or LX16 or 35XT whatever (not heard any but similar folded ribbon tweeter as Emotiva). Two ML LX16 would be $480 leaving $1500 for sub. Or Quad S-2 with $1K left for subwoofer.

As a bass fan, I would get a sub for any bookshelf system. Personally I would probably try the 92db sensitive LX16, an $800 sub like ML Dynamo 800x, and have the remainder for a class A EL34 or similar tube amp, and you would have some realistic full range music. Or stick with NAD class D if you are happy with it.

Some years ago I replaced the power amp side of my older NAD integrated with a primaluna 36W/channel power amp and my 90 db ML Sources really came alive.