Bookshelf Speakers with “Big” sound?

I’m trying to identify a bookshelf (monitor) speaker that will give a big, full sound. Budget up to $2,000

These will be located in a larger living room. For aesthetic reasons I’m pursing bookshelf speakers. Currently these would be mated with Rega electronics, and someday I may move back to tube-based equipment.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

I second the Lenehan ML1 suggestion. I use these in a large room. They are extremely lively and transparent without ever being bright or harsh. I find them effortless and composed in their presentation. Workmanship on these from crossover to cabinet is first rate. You really get a lot for your money.
PMC LB1's are really nice. I have a pair that I've owned for about 6 months and were very reasonable to buy. They sound much larger than their stature suggests and can play quite loudly if you need to fill a larger room such as my own (25X14+). Quite a remarkable monitor.