Bookshelf speakers on a budget

Hi, I'm looking for suggestions for a decent pair of bookshelf speakers. However I'm on a budget in the $400-$500 range; I know this is a low dollar amount but it's all I can afford right now. If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate them.


Showing 3 responses by paraneer

Hi, I'm looking for suggestions for a decent pair of bookshelf speakers. However I'm on a budget in the $400-$500 range;

I'm sure all the above suggestions are fine recommendations given from folks that have experience with them.  Do you have any experience with them?  Have you heard them?  Do you even have an amp and is so, is it capable of properly driving them?

You fail to mention what kind of amp you have and this would be my first question when asked a question such as yours.  What good is a speaker that meets your price point if you cannot properly drive it?

Also, pay attention to whether the bookshelf speakers are front or rear ported.  If rear ported, they should be used with stands or the rear ports will be pressed up against a wall and you won't get all the bass the designers intended.  

And last, you must go out and hear them for yourself.  Speakers are the most subjective component in the chain and what one persons likes, may sound like crap to another.

Just a few points to consider when asking for suggestions on speakers so you can find the best speaker for you.   Theres a lot more to getting a pair of speakers than just asking for suggestions on the internet.  Good luck!
With all due respect hfarrior3, I asked you in an earlier post what amplifier you have as this is what is critical in selecting a pair of speakers.  I also advised to watch out for rear ported designs, as these will require stands too.

You have not advised which amp you have but I see that you have narrowed it down to the Dali and Elacs.  Good speakers but at 6 ohms and 86/87db, not exactly efficient and will require some good power to make them sing.  They are also rear ported and will need to be used on stands to get those rear ports away from the wall.

If you feel you can drive them and stands are not an issue, then both are nice choices.  Pick the one that sounds best to you as their specs are nearly identical.   Good luck!
Right now I'm using a Jolida FX-10 that my friend is letting me borrow.
IMO, not enough power for either the Dali's or the Elac's.  If your are strongly considering buying this amp from your friend, then start looking at easier to drive speakers that have an impedance of 8 Ohms or greater and sensitivity ratings in the mid 90's.

I'm looking to put the speakers on a credenza so they will be about 1'6'' away from the wall, will this be enough space?
Wow, that is one deep credenza.  Since the speakers are 8.6" to 9.9" deep plus the 18" you site, the credenza must be at least 27-28" deep!  Are you sure?  Remember, its the rear ports that must be at least 18" from the back wall for proper bass response.

I really think your looking at the wrong speakers for your amp.  This is a classic case of why speakers should always be the first component you should buy.  And then the amp to properly drive them.  Right now your severly limited by your low wattage tube amp.