Bookshelf Speakers For 350 Or Less?? new & used


A female friend asked me to recommend some bookshelf speakers for $350 or less, but I'm not too familiar with many of those models (I've heard the Mission 731i at $200-ish, but not much else). Which used or new (perhaps manufacturer direct?) models would you folks recommend in that price range?

Her receiver / CD combo is Sony / JVC mass market stuff. She listens to a lot of classical and some acoustic-based rock/pop. Most of her listening is probably background while she's cooking or roaming the house, but she is a musician and she does *listen*.

Any info would be appreciated, including recommendations that cost less than $350.



Showing 1 response by audiotomb


I agree with Sugarbrie

I have a pair of the B&W 302's in my office setup
they are great and have gotten justly rewarded high marks and awards.

I have hooked these up to my high end system for kicks and they really do have alot to offer, only missing the lowest end for obvious reasons, but what's there is surprisingly tight

these will be in my daughter's dorm room setup in 4 years when she heads off to college
