Bookshelf Speaker question

I want to splurge a little this coming tax-season, and want to spend between $300-500 on a set of bookshelf speakers. What would you guys recommend for my price range? I'm willing to buy used so that I can keep my options open. Right now, I'm looking at specs and reviews on the Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 or Totem Acoustic Dreamcatcher. I'm new to "better" audio, so any advice is appreciated. I listen to a lot of different types of music, so I'm looking for a speaker system that can handle almost anything. Thank you in advance.

Showing 4 responses by loomisjohnson

to better answer your question:
what's the room size?
where will you place the speakers in the room?
sub or no sub?
ok, so with your low-powered amp you need speakers with high sensitivity (e.g. 91 db or better)--at your price point i'd look at energy rc or veritas (used)or klipsch rb; triangle is also worth a listen--these are all go all-rounders.
the wharfedales are well regarded entry level speakers--i haven't heard them enough to comment reliably.--i have owned totem rokks and heard the dreamcatchers, which are an update--they're excellent, well-balanced and probably a couple of notches above the wharfedales on the audio food chain. my concern, again, is that you're amp wouldn't drive 'em to their full potential, especially at the lower frequencies--they're relatively power hungry. hence, my earlier recommendation for the more efficient energy, klipsch, etc. just my opinion, of course--buy what sounds good to you.
since i started down this path (and haven't quite finished my coffee), i'll weigh in once more, then shut up. to my ears, the energy will be more neutral, natural presentation, while the klipsch will have more dynamic slam and in-your-face quality (more of a hip-hop speaker). the quad will be a little more polite, and more sensitive to placement/elctronics. all that said, i think you'll be very happy with the energy; if, however you're going to listen to heavier stuff at louder levels, the klipsch would get my vote.
happy hunting--let us know what you get.