Bob James BJ4 sound quality

Hi all,
have checked in the database and have nothing "Bob James" or "BJ4" coming up. So I guess it's not come up yet.

I very much enjoy this record, have cleaned it (Hannl MERA) many times, but it just sounds still noticeably 'hazy'. Had another (same LP) before, it was scratchy and 'hazy' so I thought that was the reason --- we call it 'garden raked' (by a stylus gone bad).

My question: was this possibly by intend, too get some 'ultra mellow' effect?
Has anyone got this LP and can say the same?

Showing 1 response by philjolet

Funny I have Deodato Also Sprach CTI and it sounds great. I have used it for a demo record and people always like it.