Bob Carver LLC Black Beauty Review

If any of you GON members are interested in Bob Carver's new mono-block tube amps take a look at my review that was just posted on It's in the recent short review section on the front page. It was a very interesting experience to compare the Carver's performance with my Pass Labs XA-60.5's.

Showing 2 responses by mrtennis

all of the current tube amps do not hold a candle to the king: the conrad johnson mv 125. this was a classic.

no amp that i have heard, and i have heard many, come close to the classic tube sound of the mv 125.

i have been to many ces and other shows.

the only company that is of some interest to me is wavelength..

i would consider most tube amps, closer to solid state. i would not buy current audio research, vtl or conrad johnson.
hi dracule1:

i agree with your comments.

i have heard the mv 125 driving many speakers, without ever any fatigue. and yes, it is colored, and an acquired taste.

it just seems to me, from what i have heard, that most of the tube amps in production sound more like solid state than tubes. even the current conrad johnson lacks bloom and lushness.

i use a vtl deluxe 120, which is not a lush sounding amp, but at least, it is inoffensive.