BMI Whale Elite vs. Electra Glide Fatman

Please provide your experience(s) in these mentioned power cords.

Thanks in advance and happy listening.


Showing 2 responses by tabu

i have the bmi whale elite mk11 and tried a number of other
big names and price and nothing come even close to wath bmi does,it's like having no cable at all ,it's tranparent and
it does exactly wath it should do:play music like nothing
you ever heard
i have tryseveral,cardas golden power,cardas golden refernce
cardas hexlink,xlo(the purple one)synergistic research
master coupler,audio magic,space and time,electra-glide
none do what the whale elite mk11 does ,tranparacy,accurate
tone ,no coloration ,it is like having no power cable at drian at bmi ,and speak with the guy and you will
know what i the way i have totem tabu speakers and
are very sensitive to any change i make
best regard pierre