BlueOS Changes Coming?

Saw a teaser from NAD that they're getting ready to unveil an upgrade to BlueOS at a trade show soon. Anyone have any info on what will be changing? I've used BlueOS and BlueSound products for a few years. Must admit though I've thought about moving on to something else recently. ROON for its robustness perhaps, or something like the new HiFi Rose streamers with their own interface.

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Showing 3 responses by rongvk

Currently, I use an optical cable from a BlueSound Vault to my external DAC, then analog cable into the receiver. I assume USB between Vault and DAC would produce some improvement but not sure I'd hear the difference. Hopefully its more than that which they're announcing. 

Thanks for posting that. Will look forward to the mobile rollout/update once available. 

@jetter thanks for the info regarding swapping in an optical to compare against your Cullen coax cable. I’ll give that a try. And @dinosore, thank you for details about USB on the Vault. There is a mini USB port on the Vault that I assumed was usable. Alas it is only usable for updating the Vault software.