so i've been quickly testing out both preamps over the last few days. not a lot of time spent, but here are my very quick first thoughts. i haven't picked up the focus audio speakers yet, so i'm currently testing them out with a pair of B&W CDM 9NT.
the BC21.1 seems to have more bass and quite musical.
the BC3 Despina seems more refined (?). things seem a little clearer and imaging a little better. the midrange si nicer. surprising, but it feels to be lacking a little bit of the bass that the 21.1 seems to provide more of. could this be a synergy issue since the bc21.1 and bc22 were designed together?
another point, i'm not sure it is supposed to be like this, but with the 21.1, i listen with the volume turned at the 7 o'clock position, whereas with the BC3, i have to listen at the 10 position. is this normal?
as well, i find the individual channel volume controls on the BC3 a little annoying.
so far i'm still not sure which one i prefer overall. leaning to the BC3 for now...