Blown Woofers in Matrix 802 S3

I have a quetsion I hope someone out there can help me with! I have a pair of B&W Matrix 802 S3 speakers driven by a Musical Fidelity M3 Integrated Amp. Has worked very well for many years. Source used to be MF 3D CD Player but now is computer based via a Logitech Duet to a Benchmark DAC 1 and into the amp. About eight months ago the lower right side woofer started making a scratching sound - I assumed it was blown/damaged from old age and replaced it with a new one from B&W. Problem fixed - or so it seemed. Just yesterday the new woofer on the lower right hand side has developed a similar scratching sound. My question is this - what is the likely root cause of this? Given the other three 15 year old woofers are working perfectly yet the new one has developed the same problem as its predecessor. Could this be caused by an ageing crossover? What else should I look at/test to find the root cause before once agin replacing this woofer? Luckily I bought two woofers at the time - one for insurance - as I really do love these speakers - I just do not want to have the same thing happen to it! Any help or guidance you can provide is much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by garpt


I know this thread goes back a couple of weeks- but where did you source the woofers?
It was my understanding that B&W themselves no longer have inventory, and I found a specialty audio shop up in CT. or Mass that sells them for like $340 plus shipping. Did you find them for less?

I don't need them- YET- but two of the four have started to develop the classis B&W "wrinkle" in the suspension which I have seen in a LOT of their woofers from that period. The specialized shop I called said it has little/ no effect on the woofer sound, but it likely need replacement down the road- and I push them pretty hard. I actually love them and believe the sound is different and much more musical then the bulk of their speakers. Probably, along with the classic 801's, the most musically enjoyable speakers B&W ever made. IMO.

Thanks. Gary