Blockbuster goes Blu-ray, HD DVD=beta?,

Blockbuster announced they will go exclusively Blu-ray. How much will this effect the format wars? Will this send HD DVD the way of the Beta? Could this be the Sony KO punch, or does BB really have that much clout? Sound the alarm or hit the snooze button?

Showing 3 responses by audiotomb

I bought the PS3 for Blueray
it's great!

If BestBuy favored one format that would probably settle it
they go with a dual player
Blue ray discs and players are outselling HD
I think Sony may actually win this one
but they didn't do a good job marketing
HD bought their way to two studios because they nearly lost the format war this year

I have a ps3 and am considering a cheap HD player and a good BLue Ray player (samsung 2400 comes out soon)
then I can have the best of both world with no 'one box does it all' compromised setup