Blindly deafly? bought Purple Flare cables...

Blindly (deafly?!) bought Nordost Purple Flare cables yesterday for my Rotel RA-1062 integrated amplifier, RCD-1072 CD player and B&W DM602 S3 speakers that I bought almost a deacde ago and never used (long story)...

I bought the analog interconnect, the speaker cables and the power cord for 2 dollars shy of a Grand after tax!

PLEASE tell me I did alright!

This exact system is no longer in stores and I don't think many places would let me bring my gear in and switch out cables...and it would have been a total hassle even if they would.

And I'm eager to finally start listening to my stereo.

I called A BUNCH of Rotel dealers yesterday, to try to get advice on what cables would pair up well with my equipment and I got a different answer out of everyone -

Audioquest, Nordost, Transparent, Tributaries, Kimber...

But a few mentioned the Nordost White Lightning.

I decided to take a drive to northern New Jersey to a BEAUTIFUL shop that claimed that they had all levels of Nordost and Transparent cables.

But when I got there they only had the whole lineup of Nordost cables and a few Transparent cables lying around.

The guy highly recommended the Purple Flares for my equipment - swears I'll be happy.

I could have gotten the White Lightning cables as a few people recommended, but I figured since I'm buying without hearing I'd 1) be safer moving one up the line, and 2) spending that kind of money on cables I'll have less doubt and worry that I didn't get good enough cables.

Please express your thoughts!

Showing 7 responses by timothyd11

If I bought one more set of cables and compared for 10 days, can I trust MOST dealers to take back the ones I didn't want if I just tell them I preferred something else?

I want to do this...I just DON't want to get stuck with a second set of $1000 cables and interconnects.
I'm thinking about purchasing the Transparent Cables Music Link / Music Wave and equivalent power cords from the same dealer and alternating between them and the Purple Flares every other night after work for about 10 days and then returning the ones I least like for a refund...if they'll let me.

I can't get stuck with both so I have to trust they'll take one set back and refund me.
Thanks a lot.

I'm hoping this place will at least let me purchase other cables (Transparent MusicLink / MusicWave) and allow me to return the ones I like least.

Otherwise I may have to find another place with a decent return policy SOON so that I can do the same.

I am not comfortable with the fact that I can't compare - at least between two types of quality cables.
Thank you very much for your replies.

This whole thing has been eating away at me!

I don't mind spending the money I did, but I want to get it as right as possible for the money.

I have done more research and I came upon Kimber Kables 8TC speaker cables.

People seem to have nice things to say about those cables.

For around the same money I spent on the Nordost cables I can get an "internally biwired" 8 foot pair of 8TC speaker cables.

My B&W DM 602 S3 speakers are biwirable.

Is this a no brainer and an upgrade from the Nordost Purple Flare speaker cables, despite the near lateral move cost wise?

It appears I can return the Nordost cables for a refund but most places I have contacted about the Kimber Kables have said store credit only, so if I buy I'm stuck with those.

I don't know if the Cable Company has these exact cables in their "library" for rental. If so I guess that would be the smart choice. Although I lose that money if I make no purchase. Plus I'll be listening to "burned in" cables and comparing them to non burned in / non biwired cables. That may be like apples and oranges but that is kinda the point I guess!
Thanks Zd542.

How about with regards to biwiring? Should I lean towards biwired cables if my speakers have that capability? Seems that the majority if people (elsewhere) seem to think it has its benefits.
What is currently bothering me - ELECTRICALLY, single wiring or bi-wiring appears to be the same. Either the low frequency portion and the high frequency portion of the speaker is joined at the speaker through a jumper (single wire) OR it's joined back where it goes into the I'm having a hard time figuring out just how it would sound different - we're talking electrons - electrons move FFAASSTT!! Like speed of light fast. So please explain HOW bi-wiring improves sound, IF it does.
So I returned the Purple Flares and bought an internally bi-wired 8 foot pair of Kimber Kable 8TC and a KK Silver Streak interconnect.

I liked the fact that there is a lot of positive information out there about the 8TC and did not like that the jury was still out on the Purple Flares.

I received the cables the other night and was only able to listen a few hours last night...

Sounded terrific to me!

But I don't know if they sound slightly better or slightly worse than the Purple Flares because I was not able to compare them side by side and too much time has passed since returning those other cables.

I think I'm done and satisfied.

For one thing, I have a VERY modest low end setup in the world of hi end stereos. Does it make sense to spend as much on cables as each component? I'm reaching that point.

Another thing, my speakers are small and, I understand, quite efficient - would I benefit from or need bigger gauge cables of better quality or is what I have enough for my small, modest but good speakers?

My only concern / curiosity is that I am "starving" or "short changing" the woofer by splitting up the 8TC through internal bi-wiring, and adversely affecting the sound because of it.

I may look into "renting" an internally biwired 12TC from The Cable Company and listening for any differences. If I hear none I'm done.
