Blindly deafly? bought Purple Flare cables...

Blindly (deafly?!) bought Nordost Purple Flare cables yesterday for my Rotel RA-1062 integrated amplifier, RCD-1072 CD player and B&W DM602 S3 speakers that I bought almost a deacde ago and never used (long story)...

I bought the analog interconnect, the speaker cables and the power cord for 2 dollars shy of a Grand after tax!

PLEASE tell me I did alright!

This exact system is no longer in stores and I don't think many places would let me bring my gear in and switch out cables...and it would have been a total hassle even if they would.

And I'm eager to finally start listening to my stereo.

I called A BUNCH of Rotel dealers yesterday, to try to get advice on what cables would pair up well with my equipment and I got a different answer out of everyone -

Audioquest, Nordost, Transparent, Tributaries, Kimber...

But a few mentioned the Nordost White Lightning.

I decided to take a drive to northern New Jersey to a BEAUTIFUL shop that claimed that they had all levels of Nordost and Transparent cables.

But when I got there they only had the whole lineup of Nordost cables and a few Transparent cables lying around.

The guy highly recommended the Purple Flares for my equipment - swears I'll be happy.

I could have gotten the White Lightning cables as a few people recommended, but I figured since I'm buying without hearing I'd 1) be safer moving one up the line, and 2) spending that kind of money on cables I'll have less doubt and worry that I didn't get good enough cables.

Please express your thoughts!

Showing 1 response by frogman

Actually, Judyazblues said it most imperfectly. Cynical, totally useless and unhelpful comment; in typical fashion.

Timothyd11, I admire your willingness to ask for advise and to admit that you simply don't know the answer. That is much more than many audiophiles with a macho attitude about what is "best" are willing to do; they are usually totally clueless about what is, in fact, good or not. Like the stereotypical (pun intended) guy who refuses to ask for directions when lost, and simply drives around and gets even more lost.

First of all, you are way ahead of the game in being confident that cables make an important difference. As you may or may not know there is a contingency out there that is even more clueless than the macho types with their insistence that cables don't make a difference. Having said all that here are my honest opinions about your situation and your actual questions:

- no reason to have to "trust" dealers to take back cables. Simply find out ahead of time before laying out the cash; nothing wrong with that.

- no, I don't think the components that you have justify the expense of $1000 on cables. They are good components, but if your goal is the best possible sound for the buck, $1000 is better spent in other ways including possible component upgrades.

- if you really want to "be done with it" and you can't get a refund for the Kimber, don't worry too much, you could have done A LOT worse; the Kimber is good stuff and tried-and-true.

- if, as you said, you could not hear (remember) the differences between the Nordost and the Kimber, my brutally honest and personal opinion is that you are not ready to play the cable game at the $1000 level YET. There are many options available (especially used) for a fraction of that amount that will help you educate yourself as to the possibilities re synergistic interactions and simply to cement for yourself what kind of sound you actually like (Anti-cables, Signal Cable, among many others).

Good luck.