BlackSand PC question

Has anyone tried their power cords?
Also where do they rank among all other cords in the $100 -$300 range. I always see them up for auction here and I can't find any reviews on them. Someone must be buying them.
Hey Trip, I've not had the opportunity to try the Black Sand yet, but I'm hesitant because I haven't had good experiences with power cords that have ferrite chokes in them. I did have the Odyssey Stratos( an excellent s.s. amp,by the way) and I feel that for @$169.00 the new DCCA Powerwave Extreme would be a great cord in your system in your price range. The designer gives a 30 day money-back guarantee, so what have you got to lose but a few $ for shipping ? I have tried many, many cords in your price range and IMHO the Powerwave is the hands-down winner. Excellent neutrality,transparency and tremendous dynamics for the bucks. This cord is very fast and I feel would be an excellent match for your amp. Good luck.
Trip, I just noticed a 5' Powerwave for sale for $115.00 in the classifieds. If I didn't have plenty of cords right now, I'd scarf this one up in a heartbeat. You can thank me later, or if you don't like it, I'll buy it from you and thank you then.
I have recently bought a Black Sand power cord..... a Silver Reference model with Wallgate ends.
I am very pleased. Great detail, Clarity and speed. Musical yet natural sounding. This cord works well on my Equitech 2Q, my Velodyne DD15 Sub, Accustic Arts Amp but this model of cord, although it sounded OK, I.M.O. didn't excel on my CD Player. I haven't tried it on my preamp.
It was thin and dry sounding for about 50 hours before it burnt in, opened up and bloomed.

GREAT SOUNDING CORD AT A REALISTIC PRICE. They do have a 30 day return policy with this cord.

Dave D.
They work fine for me and another MAJOR plus is he is very accomadating as far as if your system/needs change.
Just try getting other powercord people even to TALK to you.
I recently purchased two of the Black Sand Silver Reference PCs -- one for my McCormack DNA-500 and the other for my ARC SP9 preamp. I have to say that these are quite amazing power cords! There's an interesting thread out on AudioCircle...