Blackbird / SME

Hi all,
will a Sumiko Blackbird fit an SME 3009 improved ( non detach ) ? It is on a Thorens TD 125 mk II . Goes to a Manley Stingray through a Lounge Audio LCR. Thanks.


Showing 3 responses by dekay

You might look @ some of the high compliance models offered by Soundsmith. They have a few models in the $500-$1000 range.


The SME data @ Analog Classics is correct and the OP’s arm with non-detachable HS has an effective mass of 6.5 grams in its standard configuration.

I’ve seen (WWW) what seems to be a scan of an SME info sheet with incorrect figures, and this has been well researched in the past by others as well as myself.

I have been using SME arms from 1971 to present and in that I am not too young (62) or too old (65) my opinion rules.

This said, the OP’s combo does work "on paper" if the knife bearings condition and the setup are both tip-top.

Edit" Whoosh, just noted that the OP's deck is the same as my current Thorens/125II.


The investigation into the contradicting SME spec's took place both here and @ AudioAsylumn years ago and AC's data was proven to be correct.

You might want to research Medicare as well considering that I have been covered by such since 2009 (details, details, details).
