Black Gate caps

I'm curious to know if those of you who have ever modified or upgraded the stock capacitors in their SS preamps to Black Gate caps, could hear a difference or an improvement after the mod. Seems like maybe 2 or 3 years ago when these caps were going out of production, quite a few people were jumping on the band wagon of modifying/upgrading the capacitors in their audio gear to Black Gate's. I'm sure enough time has passed for these caps to break in, so, I'm just curious to know how it turned out for those of you who made the mod, or even for those who have an opinion this subject.. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by jj2468

Where I could find a value match, I replaced all the caps in my Audio Note Dac kit with Black Gate caps, and the improvement in sonics was substantial.
I did upgrade my power supply caps from audio note tin to audio note copper (my output coupling caps also are audio note copper). The power supply is not supposed to make a difference, but I liked it and it could be the placebo effect.

The next upgrade for me would be transformer output coupling, but I'm very happy with the cd how it is now. And the kit saves a lot of dough over retail.

Mostly I listen to vinyl. The audio note kit dac is so much better than my former wadia 301 (modded).