Black Diamond Cones ADVICE

Hi Carl,Albert,Greg...I just ordered 3 from Jeffs Sound Values.They told me to just stick them under my Rogue 99 and forget them.I don't think its that simple.I wish it was.Anyone have experiance with these?I plan on putting the cones point down directly on my shelf. Im not concerned with scratching the shelf its high density MDF and has steel particles mixed in.I cant afford THE PITS yet.Any recommendations for a DYI footer or do I even need one.
Drumsgreg, I doubt that we are really disagreeing. I was making the point that any seemingly beneficial vibration control device can become detrimental if over-applied. In the case of the Walker Valid Points - I reckon they are great and use them myself. However I did find that in placing the pucks on top of a component, that there was a point where you had too many, and that the problem manifested itself first in pace & rhythm - I should have made this clearer in my post. I was meaning to point to the down-side of over application, not to a down-side I hear with Walker Valid Points when they are judiciously applied.
RedKiwi, Looks like the "pucks" were "PUCKING UP"the sound of your set up , I didn`t get that far with mine, I used the "PUCKS" untill the top end lost some air , then backed off. You could be right on the pace and timing thing if you use to many . Greg
It also makes a big difference WHICH BDR cones you are using. The #3s and #4s sound significantly different; depending on the application one will work better than the other. When I was using only solid state, the 3s were the way to go, the 4s sounded too hard. I'm now using the Pathos TT and combination of #4 cones and #3 Pucks, Round Things and Pits have made a big positive improvemet. My best suggestion is for you to call DJ at BDR and talk with him. I have found him to be right on the money with his advice every time.
Interesting Mcp1. I find the #3s to roll-off the tops and deep bass if used as a threesome, and the #4s to thin and harden the mids if used as a threesome. But there is no general rule - just what I have found more often than not. I find 2 #4s and 1 #3 works best most of the time. The place where I am most happy with the BDR cones is between my Martin-Logan speakers and the very hard floor of my listening room (both use 1/4" UNC thread and so they can be fixed in place easily). But I have never been happy with The Pits or Those Things when used in combination with the cones - it has always resulted in an unacceptable tipping upward of the tonal balance and a flattening of images.