Black Diamond Cones ADVICE

Hi Carl,Albert,Greg...I just ordered 3 from Jeffs Sound Values.They told me to just stick them under my Rogue 99 and forget them.I don't think its that simple.I wish it was.Anyone have experiance with these?I plan on putting the cones point down directly on my shelf. Im not concerned with scratching the shelf its high density MDF and has steel particles mixed in.I cant afford THE PITS yet.Any recommendations for a DYI footer or do I even need one.

Showing 2 responses by albertporter

David, most of what is posted has covered my comments as well. I have a bunch of Black Diamond feet but no longer use them. I had two Black Diamond platforms, and sold them. The comments about Walker cones, I agree with, under some equipment, but not all equipment. You are going to have to experiment to find what works. I suggest also trying the Mod Squad Soft Shoes, they are under a lot of my equipment, and work wonders in many enviornments. A lot of what works in feet is directly related to the power cords, interconnect cables, room acoustics and where the particular piece of equipment is located in the room.
No experience with the Rogue, so my comments are probably not needed. I still think (like Redkiwi) that there are too many things going on in a system to depend on one type of foot. I use the following: Simply Physics, Mod Squad Soft Shoes, Stainless Steel spikes (custom), Walker Valid Points with cups, Sound Anchors Stands (with more Simply Physics), and Iso Bearings. Why so many? Because each piece of equipment reacts differently to feet, depending on all the conditions listed in comments above by everyone! All these comments are true, provided the listener is in the environment that the tests were done in. I really believe that most of us are after similar results. The reason we disagree is due largely to differences in results in various systems. It REALLY VARIES THAT MUCH. So, to beat this dead horse some more, you are going to have to try some of these combinations and find what works in your room and with your system. I am willing to speak with you on the phone and tell you what I think will work, provided you can describe what you do and don't like about the way it is now. All the isolation devices we are speaking about have personalities, and some more than others. All are the "perfect" solution, depending on the situation.