Black Cat Silverstar BNC to BNC

@ wig

Are you still mesmerized by this digital cable or have you found something better?

Showing 3 responses by shkong78


With Blackcat Tron, you may be able to get musicality and transparency at the same time.

The following is a google translation of review by Korean.


The crossover comparison of the Digit75 and TRØN could not consistently lose focus because of interest due to the difference in sound quality rather than fatigue due to multiple cable changes. First, TRØN immediately suggests the distinguishing features of high-end and mid-range cables. It is clear that the TRØN is superior in the background with the silky background and balance of the sound.

Woongsan - I Love you
I love you

For example, in ’I love you’ in Woongsan, the harmonies of piano touches are very musical with very fine particles and moderate dignity. It’s obviously a strong and profound sound, but it’s a bit heavier and has a lower tonal balance, so you feel a sense of stability and elegance. It gives very clear and distinctive focusing so that the vocal image position as well as the size of the sound image can be measured.

The vocals are heavily loaded with energy and feel the power to wiggle deeply. There is a feeling that the sense of reality is more uplifted because momentum and dynamics expression before / after are wider, and propulsion is carried.

Arild Andersen - Bryllupsmarsj
Kristin Lavransdatter

Arylide Andersen’s [Kristin Lavransdatter] album ’Bryllupsmarsj’ is more than a few digits behind the Digit75 link. Thanks to the overall tonal balance, the heavy and calm atmosphere always makes music more reverent. The deep, nascent bass of the pipe organ seems to be painted for the first time on a desolate background. It is as natural as the ink painting, and the shade contrast is expressed widely. The saxophone is filled with liquid energy and stretches like a meandering river. Depth, punching power, and density are rising, but at the highest octave and hi-lat, it is like a live fish just caught.

Klaus Tennstedt - Mahler Sym.NO.8
London Philharmonic Orchestra

The spread of the stage in the 1st movement of Mahler ’s 8th’ Tianjin Symphony ’in Tenshutte is as big as the Digit75 and there is no clogging. However, the biggest difference in the vicinity of the chorus is the deep layering of the layer from the bottom to the front and a wider perspective. The pitch is even lower, the depth and depth are rising, and a sense of authority is felt.

The stage falls backward, and there is no turbulent surface around the climax, and a dense, controlled sound is heard. The sound of the timpani head is also heavier, lower and deeper, running towards me, but full of vitality without being aggressive at all.

It is true that after the test, TRØN and Digit75 are very different in price. TRØN has more than triple the price of Digit75. Of course TRØN recognizes that the performances are better suited to the rewards of class and acoustic instruments such as classical and jazz. High-end audio is ’Cost No Object’ but does not pursue ’Cost Performance’. Therefore, it would be reasonable to choose TRØN as the former and Digit75 as the latter.


Robert Kappa, the myth of photojournalism, said. "If your picture is not satisfactory, it is not enough for you to reach the subject." In a hi-fi system, cables are things that have to be seen deep enough. However, depending on how much you understand the existence and how you observe and apply it in detail, the results will vary from one thousand to the next. The cable only serves to connect the components responsible for the main function, but ultimately determines the satisfaction of the system. The Blackcat digital cable explains why a single cable is often a crucial casting boat in an audio system. It is the most impressive cable among the digital coaxial cables I have tested in recent years.
After I am back to US, I will compare between Silverstar and Silnote digital cables.

If Silverstar is much better, then I may also try out Digi75.

Cable is dependent on system and personal taste.

So you will never know until you try.
After being back to US, I started comparing between Silverstar Mk2 and Silnote Morphius cables.

Silverstar is connected from BNC of Jay’s CDT MK2 to RCA input of Lyngdorf 2170 and Silnote is connected from RCA output of Jay’s to another RCA input of Lyngdorf.

It is too early to reach any conclusion since I had only 120 hrs on Silnote and only 20 hrs on Silverstar.

Both cables may not have been not burnt enough yet.

Interesting thing is that they sound very close with Silnote more relaxed and analog sounding and Silverstar more focus and bass.

But the difference is rather small and I will keep listening another 2 weeks before making clear conclusion.